The Child DBT Blog
Currently I have two books in preparation, namely, DBT-C treatment manual and DBT-C treatment handouts and worksheets. These materials are not yet available for distribution to general public. However, there are several ways to obtain training and...
Don’t be afraid of temper tantrums during a session. They are going to happen anyway, and they can be quite informative and target-relevant. They allow a therapist to: 1) observe parent-child interactions; 2) model to parents how to respond to problematic...
Supersensers experience emotions on a different level, and much stronger than children who are less emotionally sensitive. Little things irritate them, and emotions may be so overwhelming that verbal or physical aggression occurs. Indeed, parents...
DBT-C targets 1) our relationship with an environment or factors that elicit and reinforce responses, as well as 2) our relationship with self or vulnerabilities in three core senses: self-love, safety and belonging. Most children...
Children do not come with instructions. Yet, many parents can provide good-enough parenting and raise adjusted and happy kids, able to withstand stress and learn from facing challenges. However, children are not created equal and good-enough parenting...
I have recently completed two randomized clinical trials on DBT-C (7-12 years of age). The outpatient setting trial targeted children with Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder. Results of this trial indicated that DBT-C was acceptable to children and...
Many supersensers are well adjusted and enjoy the benefits of their emotional sensitivity, while dealing effectively with challenges. Clinical interventions are only needed for children who develop emotional dysregulation and corresponding behavioral...
Invalidation is not something intrinsically bad. It just means that something does not make sense. Validation, on the other hand, means that something does make sense. Every time we teach a skill or provide cognitive restructuring, we are invalidating...
Суперчутливі діти (суперсенсери) переживають емоції на іншому рівні та набагато сильніше, аніж їх менш емоційно чутливі однолітки. Суперсенсорів можуть роздратувати і якісь дрібниці, а емоції бувають настільки сильними, що проявляються у вигляді...
La invalidación no es algo intrínsecamente malo, simplemente significa que algo no tiene sentido. Por el contrario, la validación significa que algo sí lo tiene. Así, cada vez que enseñamos una habilidad o realizamos una reestructuración cognitiva...
Los padres suelen describir a los niños emocionalmente sensibles como manipuladores. ¿Es estocierto?
Los niños supersensitivos experimentan las emociones a un nivel diferente y con una intensidad muy elevada. Pueden irritarlos o incomodarlos cosas que, para niños menos sensibles, suelen ser insignificantes. Así, las emociones son experimentadas de...
Інвалідація не є чимось поганим за своєю суттю. Натомість вона просто вказує, що щось не має сенсу. З іншого боку, валідація сигналізує про те, що щось навпаки цей сенс має. Щоразу, навчаючи якоїсь навички або проводячи когнітивну реструктуризацію...
Imagine a continuum, where one end represents emotional sensitivity, and the other end is callous unemotional. Supersensers are closer to the emotional sensitivity side, while conduct disorder children are closer to the callous unemotional side...
We communicate on two main levels: 1) with words and 2) with the emotional underpinning of what is being said (e.g., tone of voice, facial expression, body posture, etc.). Supersensers are sensitive to their own emotions, we well as emotions of other...
Los niños y adolescentes supersensitivos pueden percibir la comunicación a dos niveles: las palabras y las emociones subyacentes transmitidas a través del tono de voz, las expresiones faciales, la postura corporal, etc. Son altamente sensibles a sus...