DBT-C Therapists in Connecticut (CT)

The following clinicians have volunteered for their information to be posted in our online directory.

Nancie R Spector, PhD

Dr. Nancie R Spector

112 Adams Lane, New Canaan CT 06840

Mode(s) of DBT: individual therapy, parent training, phone coaching, therapist consultation team
Type(s) of Therapy: individual, parent
Level(s) of Care: outpatient
Mode(s) of Therapy: in-person (in the future), virtual
Client Age Group: child, adolescent, adult
Accepts Insurance: no

Jessica Passman, PsyD (NY, NJ, CT)


7 West 86th St, New York, NY 10024

Specialization(s): DBT-C, DBT-A, DBT adult
Mode(s) of DBT: individual therapy, skills training, parent training, CPA, phone coaching, therapist consultation team
Type(s) of Therapy: individual, family
Level(s) of Care: outpatient
Mode(s) of Therapy: in-person, virtual
Client Age Group: child, adolescent, adult
Accepts Insurance: no

If you are a mental health provider and would like to have your practice included in this list, please click here.

Registration is open for 2024!

DBT and DBT-C workshops for parents and therapists are currently open for enrollment for 2024.