Dialectical Behavior Therapy groups for adolescents
Dr. Perepletchikova offers intensive 6-month DBT skills groups for adolescents and their families. Children and their caregivers will meet once per week online with other families for group DBT skill sessions, in addition to meeting with their primary DBT practitioner in accordance with your pre-existing treatment plan. If you are interested in enrolling your family in a DBT skills group, contact us so that we can notify you when group sessions are open for enrollment.
Group DBT sessions focus on teaching children and their families the following coping skillsets:
Core Mindfulness
Living life with full awareness of the present moment, on purpose, and without judging.
Distress Tolerance
Learning how to get through difficult moments without making them worse.
Emotion Regulation
Techniques to regulate emotions and decrease physiological and emotional vulnerabilities.
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Social skills to increase chances of getting what you want and getting along.
Finding the Middle Path
Learning how to live a balanced life.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Children (DBT-C) are evidence-based treatments designed to help reduce suicidal behaviors and ideation, non-suicidal self injury, and symptoms often associated with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Since it’s initial development, it has been proven as a highly effective therapy for a wide range of difficulties, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and PTSD. DBT and DBT-C help both adults and children build integral coping skills and techniques for managing emotional dysregualtion, impulsivity, and negative thought patterns, so that they can live a happier, healthier life.
Dr. Perepletchikova’s DBT skills groups and workshops are intended to deepen and support work already being done with a primary DBT practitioner, and are not intended to function as your child’s primary therapist or treatment plan. An individual DBT therapist is required to participate in the group DBT sessions.
Commitment to first round of 6 months training (28 weeks) is required, while commitment to the second round is recommended. Each group session lasts 90 minutes (15 min of mindfulness practice and homework review, 60 min of didactic instruction and 15 min of role-plays, practices, discussion and Q&A). All sessions are delivered virtually, through zoom. Families are also asked to purchase DBT Skills Manual for Adolescents by Jill Rathus and Alec Miller. DBT skills groups are available for residents of NYS and CT.