DBT-C Therapists in Wisconsin (WI)
The following clinicians have volunteered for their information to be posted in our online directory.
Lisa Dunham, MSW, LCSW
Jefferson County Human Services CCS
1541 Annex Road, Jefferson WI 53549
Specialization(s): DBT-C, DBT-A, DBT adult
Mode(s) of DBT: individual therapy, skills training, parent training, CPA, phone coaching, therapist consultation team
Type(s) of Therapy: individual
Level(s) of Care: outpatient
Mode(s) of Therapy: in-person, virtual
Client Age Group: child, adolescent
Accepts Insurance: yes
Heather NH Simonson, MSE, LPC
Pauquette Center for Psychology
23295 US-14 West, Richland Center WI 53581
Specialization(s): DBT-C, DBT adult, DBT eating disorders
Mode(s) of DBT: individual therapy, skills training, parent training, CPA, phone coaching, therapist, consultation team
Type(s) of Therapy: individual, family, couples, other
Level(s) of Care: outpatient
Mode(s) of Therapy: in-person, virtual
Client Age Group: child, adolescent, adult
Accepts Insurance: yes
Danielle Evenson, LCSW
Bellin Health Riverside Psychiatric
1325 Angels Path, DePere WI 54155
Specialization(s): DBT-C, DBT-A, DBT adult, DBT PE
Mode(s) of DBT: individual therapy, skills training, parent training, CPA, phone coaching, therapist, consultation team
Type(s) of Therapy: individual, family, skills group for adolescents and adults
Level(s) of Care: outpatient
Mode(s) of Therapy: in-person, virtual
Client Age Group: child, adolescent, adult
Accepts Insurance: yes
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