DBT-C Therapists in the Uruguay
The following clinicians have volunteered for their information to be posted in our online directory.
Fréderic Larbanois, Licenciado en Psicología
Centro Clínico del Sur
Bvar. General Artigas 1333. Montevideo. Uruguay
Specialization(s): DBT-C, DBT-A, DBT-Adult, DBT PE, RO DBT, DBT Substance Use, DBT Eating Disorder
Mode(s) of DBT: individual therapy, skills training, parent training, CPA, phone coaching, therapist consultation team
Type(s) of Therapy: individual, family
Level(s) of Care: outpatient, inpatient
Mode(s) of Therapy: in-person, virtual
Client Age Group: child, adolescent, adult
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