DBT-C Therapists in Texas (TX)
The following clinicians have volunteered for their information to be posted in our online directory.
Samantha Miller, PhD, ABPP
Samantha Miller PhD PLLC
Austin, TX
Specialization(s): DBT-C, DBT-A
Mode(s) of DBT: individual therapy, skills training, parent training, phone coaching, therapist consultation team
Type(s) of Therapy: individual, family
Level(s) of Care: outpatient
Mode(s) of Therapy: virtual
Client Age Group: child, adolescent
Accepts Insurance: no
Chloe Zingaro, LCSW, MSSW
Chloe Zingaro LCSW
Dallas, Texas
Specialization(s): DBT-C, DBT-A, DBT adult, DBT PE
Mode(s) of DBT: individual therapy, skills training, parent training, CPA, phone coaching, therapist consultation team
Type(s) of Therapy: individual, family, couples, group
Level(s) of Care: outpatient
Mode(s) of Therapy: virtual
Client Age Group: child, adolescent, adult
Accepts Insurance: no
Leigh Mann, MS
North Texas DBT Associates
5600 W Lovers Ln, Suite 307, Dallas TX 75209
Specialization(s): DBT-C, DBT adult
Mode(s) of DBT: individual therapy, skills training, parent training, CPA, phone coaching, therapist consultation team
Type(s) of Therapy: individual, family, couples
Level(s) of Care: outpatient
Mode(s) of Therapy: in-person, virtual
Client Age Group: child, adult
Accepts Insurance: no
Laura J. Cooper, PsyD
Dallas DBT
4925 Greenville Ave, Suite 1125, Dallas, TX 75206
Specialization(s): DBT-C, DBT-A, DBT Adult, DBT PE, RO DBT, DBT Substance Abuse, Couples Therapy
Mode(s) of DBT: individual therapy, skills training, parent training, CPA, phone coaching, therapist consultation team
Type(s) of Therapy: individual, family, couples
Level(s) of Care: outpatient
Mode(s) of Therapy: in-person, virtual
Client Age Group: child, adolescent, adult
Accepts Insurance: no
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